Key Roles and Responsibilities for your Emergency Preparedness team

Planning and implementation

  • Develop the Business Continuity Plan (BCP).
  • Establish alert levels and monitor.
  • Develop training and cross-training plans.
  • Identify key business partners such as suppliers and clients and determine if they have a BCP.
  • Assess potential financial impact of an emergency on the business.
  • Ensure adequate amount of supplies (could include emergency safety equipment, hygiene supplies like hand sanitizers, cleaning products, masks, protective barriers, etc.).
  • Implement the plan and perform a trial run.

Policies, procedures, organization

  • Establish policies such as compensation and absences, return to work procedures, telecommuting, flexible work hours, travel restrictions.
  • Define chain of command for plan implementation.
  • Establish trigger points for when to implement the BCP.
  • Establish emergency safety policies for the workplace.
  • Establish policies for employees who are directly affected by the emergency.


  • Maintain good communications and manage relations with all staff levels.
  • Advise senior management.
  • Establish the importance of the BCP throughout the organization.
  • Liaison with local government agencies if applicable.
  • Prepare and disseminate timely and accurate information to all employees.
  • Educate staff about possible emergencies.
  • Setup systems to monitor employees in an emergency.
Derek AtkinsKey Roles and Responsibilities for your Emergency Preparedness team